Web developer and elder Sortan Jim Thoburn has been with Sorta since the beginning, and his valuable input has helped shaped the product to where it is now. He uses his Sorta Black Leatherette Notebinder with Unlined stationery to create a free-form space for spontaneous brainstorming:
I make user interfaces for the Web. When working on a project I often write notes while brainstorming with other people. I love using paper because it lends itself well to unplanned ideas and thoughts that come along. I can write up and down, backwards or sideways. I can put written notes together with diagrams. It’s casual and unconstraining. Eventually I organize those ideas into separate tasks. My Sorta notebook works out great for this, since the pages are made to be rearranged–just like I might do on a computer. It’s the best of both worlds!
Learn more about Jim on his lovely site, which in my book gets the award for Most Understated Use of SVG Graphics Ever.